Friday, July 17, 2009

July Update

Not whole heck of a lot going on running wise. I have dropped off my mileage in the last few weeks since the Kettle 100. I am a bit worried about that because it is tough to pick it up quickly. I am looking at the calendar over the next two months and I am not seeing alot of opportunities for races. I am planning on heading out tomorrow to the Kettle Moraine for 20 miles or so. Hope to meet up with Tom at 9AM.

Saw that Zach Gingrich came in third at Badwater. I get a sense that he was looking to take that race. I saw him run in the last few months and I think he was really close. He said he had been doing 200 mile week training! As a 50+ year old, I cannot even imagine that. My body aches when I do 50+ mile weeks.

Had a great trip to Kauai with friends; didn't get much running in but did manage lots of swimming, snorkeling and hiking.

My sister, April and family also visited Madison. April was my crew chief when I ran Western States in 2007. If I ever do that run again, she will be my first choice. She was much more organized than even I was. I do need to figure out hydration and calorie intake for 50 mile and longer races. I have had problems at both 100 mile races I have run with vomiting, etc. I know that I am not getting the fuel needed to stay strong.

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