Monday, August 15, 2011


I don't know what its like for others. I really don't know much about training routines or schedules. My personal running schedule is something like this:
1. Around January, make some sort of goals for spring runs around here
2. Start training and increasing mileage from my base of mid 20's and 8-10 mile long runs
3. April,May and June run a few good local ultras; usually with insufficient base and not enough long runs.
4. Try to keep running in the summer; usually not very effective due to heat/humidity; weekly miles drops down to about 20 to 30 miles.
5. Enter a Fall ultra (last few years I have run the Glacial Trails 50 mile. Have a terrible run and stagger into the finish around 10 to 11 hours.
6. Drop back down to 20 to 30 mile weeks

I guess that for me it is really tough to maintain high mileage year round. I think I am going to try to develop a new strategy that will keep the base levels OK but not kill me. I just have to figure it out.

Thursday, February 10, 2011

Winter Running Again

It feels like it has been a cold winter. There have been several periods with wind chills below -10F. As I mentioned last year, I do have a routine and set of clothes.
Here was my morning:
Wake at 6AM, put on long underwear, wind briefs and running tights, long sleeve shirt, wind coat and fleece pullover, socks, balaclava, hat, light two pairs of gloves. This takes about 15 minutes to find and put it all on. Stagger out the door and head up to Owen Park (right behind my house). I run up Old Sauk to warm up and then enter the park from above. We have about 16 inches of snow pack but it has been over a week since the big snow so things are packed a bit.
I wanted to run on 'trails' to see how it is going after my drop at the John Dick 50K last weekend. The morning was beautiful with a pink light glowing over the snow as the sun rose above the horizon. I could look in the distance at steam rising above the buildings at Hilldale and the UW campus.
I ran about 6 miles and change and called it a morning. I got back and noticed I was covered with frost and ice around my face. The temperature was -11F with wind chills at -25 or so. Another winter morning run.

Happy 2011

Well...... The new year has started out rather ominously. I ran the John Dick 50K last weekend and did not have a good run. I made it to about 20 miles but then dropped. The surface was just too soft. I don't know how to describe t but it seemed to be about 2 to 6" of cold soft snow that you just couldn't get enough friction. I guess I just wussed out but I was at about 4 1/2 hrs after 30K and realized it would be a 7 hr day. I had already had plenty of exercise so I felt there was no point to just keep plodding along at 14 minute miles. I am still conflicted about this as I almost always finish what I start.

Anyway, I like this even. Good job by the Badgerland Striders and RD Robert Wehner.