Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Skipping Ice Age 50 Mile

For the first time in a few years, I will not run the Ice Age 50 mile or even the 50K this weekend. The Chippewa 50K convinced me that I do not have the base to really have a good (or at least not a really bad) run. Best wishes to all who are participating. It looks like great weather - low 50's for the high, no rain.

My hip is finally feeling OK. Its hard to tell completely because I have been working for the last three weeks on a exterior remodel job with friend Kevin M. I don't remember if I mentioned that I am a carpenter/ solar installer by income. It is tough to do carpentry and tear off siding or roofs, etc. and then run first at 5AM. Climbing ladders gets real tough at my age after a 10 mile run before work.

Had a decent run last weekend. I ran the Lake Monona 20K race which Tom and I do as a training run. Its a good race - lots of participants, good course and beer and wings at the finish. I finished around 1 hr 33?'.

Since the galcial series is not going to happen for me this year, I am still trying to figure out some good events to participate in......

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