Monday, August 15, 2011


I don't know what its like for others. I really don't know much about training routines or schedules. My personal running schedule is something like this:
1. Around January, make some sort of goals for spring runs around here
2. Start training and increasing mileage from my base of mid 20's and 8-10 mile long runs
3. April,May and June run a few good local ultras; usually with insufficient base and not enough long runs.
4. Try to keep running in the summer; usually not very effective due to heat/humidity; weekly miles drops down to about 20 to 30 miles.
5. Enter a Fall ultra (last few years I have run the Glacial Trails 50 mile. Have a terrible run and stagger into the finish around 10 to 11 hours.
6. Drop back down to 20 to 30 mile weeks

I guess that for me it is really tough to maintain high mileage year round. I think I am going to try to develop a new strategy that will keep the base levels OK but not kill me. I just have to figure it out.